Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finally A New Update!

Hello Bloggers! I am sorry it has been so long since I updated you all. It has been extremely busy here! I LOVE it here! I have been so amazed and awed but God’s creation, power and peace. I don’t know if I have ever seen anything as beautiful as the mountains here. The air is so clear and the mountains extremely crisp against the beautiful blue skies. The storms come and go. Many are harder storms than most I have been in while in the States but the next day it is as if the storm had never come. One of the only ways to tell is in the cooler air. The weather is wonderful! Most days are clear and the perfect temperature. I am usually comfortable in jeans and short sleeves. God is just such an incredible God. Things have been rough here. Cultural shock hit me pretty bad. I was sick for a few days and our supervisors have been going through some tough times and so had to leave Emily, me and the two oldest girls here alone for a few days. So that was different than I thought things were going to be. Emily fell and hurt her ankle pretty soon after we got here and so had to be off of her feet for a few days and then was better. However, she reinjured it and was homebound for another week and a half and so I had to continue the ministry by myself for that time and that was hard. Nevertheless, God used these challenges to really grow me. He has been teaching me about completely relying on him no matter the circumstances. While I am extremely happy Emily is now able to participate in the ministries, but while she was down God taught me that I could do anything with His help. Having a partners is helpful and is definitely what I want rather than no partner but He showed me I could teach by myself if I needed to. Teaching at the school has been so amazing. Teaching was the thing I was really nervous and not sure about in coming to Lesotho. I truly thought that I would not like it and would be horrible at it. God has completely proved me wrong. I LOVE teaching at the school! The kids are so precious and I have gotten the chance to make some great relationships with a few of the teachers. While I by all means do not feel like I am a teacher, it is definitely not nearly as bad as I thought it might be. One of the most exciting things that have happened since you have heard from me is that we received the opportunity to start a new ministry. For the past three weeks I have gone to the closest village and done a kids club! It has been sooooo much fun! Emily was not able to go with me the first two weeks and so the Journey guy Justin went with me. However, Emily was able to go with me this week.  It is so incredible to play with kids and then tell them a bible story and then a craft over the story. The kids at school are awesome but they are probably around the ages of 10-16. At the kids club, there are little children. Each week there has been a few preschoolers and they are so much fun to play with. The internet here is very slow and not very reliable and so I will try to post some more pictures soon but don’t know if I will be able to. I so very much want to share with you the beautiful faces of some of these precious children! Hopefully soon! Thank you all for all of your prayers and I will try to update you more often in the future. Here are a few prayer requests.
·         Pray for me to be continually focused on what God wants for me and to be fully reliant on Him.
·         Pray for Emily and me to continue to grow as partners and friends.
·         Pray for the Flora Family as they go through a rough season in life.
·         Pray for the students and teachers at Bethesda Primary School that God will be revealed to them.
·         Pray for the Basotho, There is so much darkness in these mountains and the people are so lost.
Thank you everyone,

P.S.: Oh by the way super excited to tell everyone that my new Nephew was born!!! Benaiah Samuel born March 1 and weighed 9lbs 6oz. Both baby and mom are healthy and I got to see and talk to them both on skype! Can’t wait to hold the little one in June!!!